fred fairchild
"Ren Lover"playing with strawberries
- 14 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
he stalks the night in hunting mode pausing to check an upturned lwaf or a bent branch showing where his prey was last at. the moon most full and just barely over the horizon , he has a long hunt ahead. moist dity shows the trail well lit by silver moonlight, the foot prints blurring already after only moments and are soon invisable. the creature he seeks is one part myth and part fantasy . never truly seen only glimpsed out of corner of eye just out of focus. hot on the traik he finds fresh track and more quick flashes swift and the gone. knowing the creature is close and toying with the tall hunter who will hunt all night if needed. he catches a white shift out of the corner of his watchful wary eye. kwwping it in sught he slowly edges back till in reach. like a panther he pounces upon the swift creature befor it runs away. rushing it to the ground caught in his grasp he finally gets a real look at this creature of the night. his hands grasp the waist of the creature but his eyes tell him otherwise. while he sees a furry growling creature of huge porportions and sharp fangs he feels only soft skin and a womans scent exotic. holding tight he demands it stop playing with his mind before he throttles the life out of her. instantly the air shimmers and lying beneath him lies a beautiful young woman in a thin white shift barely hiding her ample attributes. the thrill of the hunt combines with his success his loins grow full and his errection presses against her firm body. tearing her clothes off he runs his rough hands all over her body groping and fondling her till she responds in kind. still pinned to the groung he enters her wet lovemound in hard thrusts plunging his cock deep whilr he bites her breasts chewing on her stiff nipples rising higher he nuzzles her neck and finds her open mouth thrusting his toungue deep in hrer throat. he turns her over with her bubble like ass high and rams deeply into her annal cavity causing her to growl with delight . after hours of carnal exploits he colapses over her sweaty body worn out and exausted to slumber. she crawls out from beneath him and kneels over his sleeping form. her canine teeth grow 5 times their norm and she leans down tearing out his jugular and sucking his lifes blood like a babby suckling a breast. fully drained she daintily wipes away the excess blood and finds her clothes, dresses and finds her way back to her hovel deep in the wood hidden from the world. it truly is getting harder to invite prospective dinner guests this deep into the woods these nights what with so few returning from their hunting but a girl has to eat after all
fred fairchild
"Ren Lover"playing with strawberries
- 14 years, 10 months, 8 days ago