anyone who wants to be my friend.. especially the one who have same interest with me.. :P
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CuTzky's tales
Just wanna share this song to you all.. One of my fav Korean song.. This song talks about the pain experienced after a breakup. I love how she act to describe her feeling, especially on the scene she eat d noodle.. hahaha.. Despite the depressing meaning, this is a very good song.. Hope you enjoy it..
CuTzky "traveller"Tired
- 15 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
I got an eye irritation since Saturday.. The wind made my eyes smart, then I need to wear glasses for the whole day. Hiks2.. It still itchy today, but the doctor said I can’t scratch it. What a day..
CuTzky "traveller"Tired
- 15 years, 11 months, 13 days ago