Early Morning Philosophy from Nigel.
How to sort the Oats from the goats on here,
In my 2 odd weeks here I have watched and observed, these are my survival tips for HP life.
Dont communicate with anyone that doesnt have everyday photos,forget the ones whose photos have been photo shopped beyond belief!What are they hiding ?
Dont communicate with anyone who has pics that look as tho they have posed for a third rate xxxx magazine...why were they taken?
Dont communicate with anyone who loves you after 5 minutes.....take your time !
If the players of the world both male and female only played with each other what a peaceful place it would be ! But for those players where would the fun be with that !
I have had messages from women that have tried to play a game....IM NOT INTERESTED ! I dont want what should be between one man and one woman ( Im Straight ! ) plastered on my page for the world to view ! I have never met you, yet you want to lick me all over?
I have been flirted with by women tryin to make a brother jealous ! GROW UP ! youre not 16.
Love is real,feelings of love are real, developing on here but only brought to reality when face meets face, eyes look into eyes, hands are held, life is shared.
Beginning here....wait for reality before giving your all.
People are real, dont hurt them, RESPECT FOR ALL !
Do not typecast me, just cos Im black dont mean Im a player...Im not !
I communicate with three lovely Ladies on here, this tale is for the three of you....and on ur page when you all wake there will be a special rose for you.......PEACE !
Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin
- 16 years, 7 days ago