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Watchin n Waitin
Nigel Armstrong
Nigel Armstrong

Nigel Armstrong
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Nigel Armstrong
I have spent my Sunday doing chores, tidying up..and contemplating this site ! LOL.
What can I say!
Im a Virgo we watch, think and wait.
My focus here has changed.
Im not looking for my special one here, that is the reason I came but the experience of my 3 weeks here has led me in a different direction...thats kool, thats what it is all about moving with the flow of Life.

So much pain on here from hearts,souls that have been hurt by thoughtless people's use and abuse of precious feelings of truth.
I will be every real persons friend, not tied to anyone soul, this is not my time or place for that, here I will be friend to all who I perceive to be real.
Reality always..Love always, Mutual respect..ALWAYS x
Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin - 16 years, 5 days ago
Nigel Armstrong
Any man can love a 100 women in different ways
It takes a real man to love one woman in a 100 different ways.(borrowed)

Any woman can play the game ,never committ,
A real woman shines for all to see..not through her photos or clothes what she writes about herself for the world to read.
She shines through the essence of her being, her thoughts she shares to help others along the way, or possibly to reach out and say Help Im hurting today !

The quest is for the real men and the real women to meet and recognise each other !
nothing is perfect, we are all growing and changing, there will be days of highs and lows, days when she will make you laugh..days when she will make you cry.
look into her soul on these days......and love,that is it just simply Love.

Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin - 16 years, 6 days ago
Nigel Armstrong
Another observation:

39 seems to be the new 21 !
Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin - 16 years, 6 days ago
Nigel Armstrong
Early Morning Philosophy from Nigel.
How to sort the Oats from the goats on here,
In my 2 odd weeks here I have watched and observed, these are my survival tips for HP life.
Dont communicate with anyone that doesnt have everyday photos,forget the ones whose photos have been photo shopped beyond belief!What are they hiding ?
Dont communicate with anyone who has pics that look as tho they have posed for a third rate xxxx magazine...why were they taken?
Dont communicate with anyone who loves you after 5 minutes.....take your time !
If the players of the world both male and female only played with each other what a peaceful place it would be ! But for those players where would the fun be with that !

I have had messages from women that have tried to play a game....IM NOT INTERESTED ! I dont want what should be between one man and one woman ( Im Straight ! ) plastered on my page for the world to view ! I have never met you, yet you want to lick me all over?
I have been flirted with by women tryin to make a brother jealous ! GROW UP ! youre not 16.
Love is real,feelings of love are real, developing on here but only brought to reality when face meets face, eyes look into eyes, hands are held, life is shared.
Beginning here....wait for reality before giving your all.
People are real, dont hurt them, RESPECT FOR ALL !
Do not typecast me, just cos Im black dont mean Im a player...Im not !

I communicate with three lovely Ladies on here, this tale is for the three of you....and on ur page when you all wake there will be a special rose for you.......PEACE !
Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin - 16 years, 7 days ago
Nigel Armstrong
Hey Dude..
Keep your psychosis to urself and out of my message box or I will report ur sorry a..e !
Nigel Armstrong "Nigel" Watchin n Waitin - 16 years, 9 days ago
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Angel Face
Hi Nigel! Ia m back! lol HOw r u?
Have a great day! You have been given Have a great day!.
Crafted by Angel Face
Angel Face "My Angel" Playful - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #10) cool profile
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago

A Peaceful Night..... You have been given A Peaceful Night......
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
FoXxY aKa VeZ
mwah beautiful xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ღOwned & Adoredღ You have been given ღOwned & Adoredღ.
Crafted by Lily
FoXxY aKa VeZ "My sexy Foxxy.." ~*~Loves her ownie/pet~*~ - 16 years, 2 days ago
the sunset from the keys
Hope you have magical day You have been given Hope you have magical day.
Crafted by Espe
Espe "gitana" - 16 years, 3 days ago

Eye Of God You have been given Eye Of God.
Crafted by Terri
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 16 years, 5 days ago
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