so i am uber fcuking excited because in two weeks i actually get to go camping with friends! only problem is ive never been camping......what would one bring with them? anjy ferrFerocious
- 15 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
honestly...sigh, people need to stop buying me and theen selling me back to the store. if you're just going to do that then just dont buy me at all leave me be with the owner i had before...its starting to get annoying anjy ferrFerocious
- 15 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
mmmmmm.barracudas r so sweet......i have a mate with 2 of them, yep 2 american barracudas in australia,now thats rare...i love american old muscle cars....i love chrome bumpers cars old stuff , not this new plastic shit,yep pay me out i hav a plastic car but d skyline is my work car so i like comfort,but 4 d weekends d old 1s with chrome...hope 2 chat 2 u 1 day when u r on line..