Lovesick Melody: your worrying about the wrong shit right now do you realize how many soliders are dying for stupidity of the president before? let alone the fact we dont have that man troops at home
Lovesick Melody: many*
vodka pixie!: oh i do realize, and im deeply sorry there fighting for some asshole who made a giant mistake and poor obama cant really fix becuz he's shutting down a huge jail that held all the mother fucking
vodka pixie!: terrirost
Lovesick Melody: and whats the big fucking deal about weed
Lovesick Melody: i mean seriously its a fucking plant
vodka pixie!: and i could careless about it, because guess what.....they burn it in texas
vodka pixie!: so why are u trying to pick a fight with me ?
Lovesick Melody: because your bitching in chat just to ***** and truthfully i dont believe your deaf
vodka pixie!: u dont
vodka pixie!: ok watch this
vodka pixie!: and watch carefully *****
vodka pixie!: i have 2 implants in my head
vodka pixie!: called a cohulear implant
vodka pixie!: now what ?!?!
vodka pixie!: i am DEAF
vodka pixie!: thank u very fucking much
Lovesick Melody: so your geting fucking things to be like other people instead of imbrasing it
vodka pixie!: no, i got them because i need it
vodka pixie!: and it helps me in may ways im so glad i got it
vodka pixie!: i can hear the cars so i dun get fucking ran over
vodka pixie!: and i can hear the sirens of a alarm
vodka pixie!: best part of it
vodka pixie!: i have both worlds
vodka pixie!: i can hear and i can sign and embrace the deaf culture
vodka pixie!: dont pull this with me, i actually would hope you'd look it to it for your sister, if she ever decided to want one its not wrong to have
Lovesick Melody: i find people like that selfish if i was deaf i would learn to read lips and sign and deal with how i was fucking born or something happened to make me that way
Lovesick Melody: im not going to get my sister something that i dont fucking like
vodka pixie!: so ur gonna take the choice away from her
vodka pixie!: its selfsish to try and advance in life
vodka pixie!: so its like me saying ur fucking selfish for not taking ur hearing ablity away
vodka pixie!: and not wanting to be deaf like ur sister
vodka pixie!: do u hear ur self
Lovesick Melody: im not saying i dont want to be deaf
vodka pixie!: i mean seriously there is nothing to hate about these implants
Lovesick Melody: im not hating on the implants im hating on people that cant embrase what god gave you to work with
vodka pixie!: if anything im glad i have them, and i strongly advocate for them, yeah its alot of work, and its tiring, but hey i can advance i dont have to be treated stupid by you mother fucking igerant hearing
vodka pixie!: people
vodka pixie!: ur hating me for being strong
vodka pixie!: and trying to embrace what the larger part of the world is
vodka pixie!: most of socitety is HEARING
vodka pixie!: and would never have time to listen to a deaf person
Lovesick Melody: most of socitety is SEEING too
vodka pixie!: not alot
vodka pixie!: no
vodka pixie!: i can tell u the countless of times ive been treated indiffreantly
vodka pixie!: when i didnt have my implants
vodka pixie!: so no, the word socitety is not ready or is even capeable of acepting deaf ppl
vodka pixie!: long long times we still fight to claim signlaugage to be a cutural language
Lovesick Melody: i dont treat deaf ppl without the implants defferently because i see that they are stong for doing what they are with out bullshit help
vodka pixie!: no shit
vodka pixie!: and i am in fact one of them
vodka pixie!: and proud of it
vodka pixie!: so if u wanna say im not strong
vodka pixie!: then why dont u shut up and listen to my story
vodka pixie!: and maybe you'll change ur mind
vodka pixie!: but in fact i wouldent waste my time telling you because you've deemed me as a loser who's tried to do something to benift her self
vodka pixie!: and say that it's selfish
vodka pixie!: i dont see how me being deaf and wanting a bit of hearing help is selfsih or bullshit
Lovesick Melody: thats your opinion and i have mine
vodka pixie!: then ur fucking stupid
vodka pixie!: and i would hope ur sister has the best in life
vodka pixie!: but u denying and hating something that could help
vodka pixie!: its seriously deranged
Lovesick Melody: im stupid for having a opinion?
vodka pixie!: not stupid for the opion stupid for not even giving the implants a thougt
vodka pixie!: yes
Lovesick Melody: and its not when i trust in my sisters ability to live without those things
vodka pixie!: oh no of course she can
vodka pixie!: but if she eer tried or wanted one
vodka pixie!: you'd fucking hit the roof
vodka pixie!: because she turned in to one of the selfish ones
vodka pixie!: you honestly would wouldent u
vodka pixie!: it's something u need to serisouly look at sure ur a strong advocate for the deaf im sure
vodka pixie!: but u never lived our life
vodka pixie!: so YOU DONT KNOW some of the shit we go through
Lovesick Melody: you dont know half the shit i go through
vodka pixie!: nor do u to me
vodka pixie!: so im sure u take back the common of u thinking im not deaf do you ?
vodka pixie!: comment ^
Lovesick Melody: fighting to be gay and fighting to have people learn something about fucking aids
vodka pixie!: oh thats tough
vodka pixie!: well im not fighting to be gay but
vodka pixie!: yeah sounds rough
vodka pixie!: so im done
vodka pixie!: you've just insulted me
vodka pixie!: and ur sister with out even realizing it
vodka pixie!: i hope u are awear of that
Lovesick Melody: how did i insult my sister? by saying that dealing with being gay and teaching ppl about aids is rougher? which i didn't say it was rougher
vodka pixie!: no no no in the waaaaay beginng of ur conversations
vodka pixie!: of saying
vodka pixie!: coculear implanted ppl or ppl who are getting them are selfish
vodka pixie!: because u failed to realize
vodka pixie!: with out batteries
vodka pixie!: IM FULLY DEAF
Lovesick Melody: right
vodka pixie!: what do u mean right ?
vodka pixie!: do u hear omg
vodka pixie!: ur crazy
vodka pixie!: ur mad crazy
vodka pixie!: good bye
vodka pixie!: good riddence
*** Lovesick Melody's IC window is closed
AND U SAY I DONT GET TREATED DIFFRENTLY regardless of implants or not im still deaf and im STILL HUMAN!!!!!
Aineldiel "♫Brys Lover♫" Sparkling
- 15 years, 6 months, 27 days ago