"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land"
About me:
About me? Ugh. I hate doing these things, but here goes...I'm in between jobs right now. Sorry...going through a career change. lmao! And the rich get richer...but I digress. Read true crime books, watch Lost, Heroes and a huge fan of the old Twilight Zone TV show. Got the whole collection on DVD! No preference to music styles. I love it all. It's music! Like dining out, especially all Asian foods. Cant forget to mention Happy Hour in Scottsdale. Love hiking South Mountain, or going to Rocky Point and horseback riding. And I should mention...recently single again and don't plan on changing that anytime soon. Unless your name is Gerald Butler. (Sorry Aimee...he's mine! LMAO!)
So it's been over 10 days now that I've lived with Aimee. No complaints here!! You'll have to ask her if she has any about me! *Aimee?* hahahaha! I have to say though, the cats are hysterical! Especially when they keep me up at night. LOL! I'm still getting used to all the sounds in the house so I wake up easily. I get up and find Leo trying to open a cabinet to hide in or Tazz is meowing outside my door and trying to open it! But all in all, they are great cats and Aimee is a saint for letting me stay with her. Thanks Roomie!
Nancy Adams"in hiding "Adored
- 15 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
So I was snooping around my new place and found Aimee's Rollerblades. Gonna get her to go with me this weekend. Love this movie!
Nancy Adams"in hiding "Adored
- 15 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
When I grow up? NEVER!
Nancy Adams"in hiding "Adored
- 16 years, 2 days ago
Got most of my stuff packed and the movers are booked for next weekend. Too late to back out Aimee. My roomie!
Nancy Adams"in hiding "Adored
- 16 years, 10 days ago
Oh yeah...it's ladie's night! It's gonna be, now that in two more weeks Aimee and I are going to be room mates. My dear friend Aimee has allowed me to move in with her! What a sweet woman, she is. I hope she knows I'm gonna be like attached to her as if I was her! I'll be her good concious???LOL! That doesn't look right! But I will be! Her inner voice keeping her on the straight and narrow! LMAO! And it's ladies night.....
Nancy Adams"in hiding "Adored
- 16 years, 17 days ago
The Twilight Zone, season 1, episode 22, Nov. 22nd. 1985
There is a place where everything that's ever been lost, can be found again. A place where lost hopes, lost dreams, lost chances, wait for someone to reclaim them.
You wont find it in the yellow pages, or advertised in the local paper. Its reputation is spread purely by word of mouth, from one satisfied customer to another. But if, like most of us, you've lost something in your time, look for this door. And if you don't find it at first, don't lose hope, because even that can be found again... in the Twilight Zone.