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Angel Calynn Chin | - Free online hangout and friends
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Angel Calynn Chin

Angel Calynn Chin, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:57 PM
Join date:15 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
Location: Bukit Panjang Singapore

About me:
Me.... bOrN iN sInGaPoRe GeNeRaL hOsPiTaL aT 2240 (should be). BoRn tO bE a RoMaN CaThOlic, gOeS To St JoSepH ChuRch... CuRrEnTlY WoRKinG iN a ChiLdCaRe CeNtRe @ St JoSePh ChUrCh... HahA ChaLLeNgEinG As UsUaL FuLLy ChArGeD wHeN KiDs R aROUnD:p YeT CoMplEtEd My DipLoMa But WAItInG To RE-TaKE FoR BeTTeR GRaDEs! I WANT mY CeRt!!! EnJoYiNg tAnNing wHeN StReSS. KItTy n MiCkEy aRe My FavoUritE. ThInK iN tHe eYeS' oF oThErS i'M tHiN bUt I tHiNk I hAd PuT oN sOmE wEiGht LoH(haha). I liKe JoKeS aNd To LaUgH liKe NoBoDy BuSiNeSs... thEy sAiD mY lAugHeRs VeRy ScAry haHa. SoFt-HeArTeD Ba... Haha ThE LiSt WiLL gO On iF I COnTinUE sO I shaLL STop HeRe HahA SeE tHeN iF wAnNa KnOw mE aNd FiNd MorE aBoUt mE, fEel FrEe tO ReAd mY TeSti FrOm My FreNs tHouGh sOme MaY bE UnTruE bUt aT lEaSt SoMe It DesCriBe Me oR U cAn aDd mE aT to noe me more... sEE Ya :
About you:
WhOeVer! tHaT wAnTs tO nOe ME!!! i wAnT tO mEET all My ZHENGHUA PRI SCH & ASSUMPTION ENGLISH SCH FrEnS.... DO aDd mE aT Or DrOp aNy MeSsAgEs oR tEsTi... ThAnKs...
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight

Hey hey nice to meet u :D
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