A rant about various topics that piss me off...
I hate how the majority of today's society judges people by looks and hardly take the person's personality into account. For example, a person could be really good-looking but be extremely nasty and mean while person who isn't so good-looking can have an awesome personality.
It sickens me.
Oh sure. There's a few people who do take personalities into consideration but not many.
I'm personally one of the few who consider a person's personality. Plus I'm one of the good personality/not good-looking people so I know what I'm talking about.
True, there's good-looking people who are really nice as well. But, again, not many at all.
Luckily, the few usually have good personalities and attitudes that, unless you're a total jerk and are thick in the head, almost immediately likable. Once more, I'm one of those.
Unfortunately, I've met many of the total jerk and thick in the head people.
Those kinds of people are also the kinds that prohibit their girlfriends to talk to another guy at all while they flirt with other girls.
Even if the girl was just talking, not flirting at all, the guy assumes she is and gets pissed. Meanwhile, he flirts with girls.
Hypocritical, don't you think?
Thus, when the girl finally breaks up with the jerk, she thinks ALL guys are like him.
They are stereotyping.
All guys are NOT like them.
I hate it when they group all guys together.
Especially considering I'm one of the nice guys who don't mistreat the girls.
So, once again, I know what I'm talking about because I'm a victim of this stereotyping.
Every time I see a guy don't respect girls, it pisses me off.
To my dismay, the douches are usually the big beefy jocks who have muscles everywhere but in their heads.
I'm short and weak. I can't do anything, no matter how much I want to.
Sometimes, though, I get so pissed off that I don't care if the asshole is stronger and bigger than me. I get tunnel vision. I can't concentrate on anything but that abusive douche bag.
I'm usually a pretty forgiving guy but I have no time or patience for guys like that.
I also have no time or patience for the ignorant. I try to get them to realize that what they think is almost always wrong but most of the time they just won't listen.
After that, I just give up on them.
There are the few who just didn't realize that what they thought was right was actually wrong and they are glad to have been corrected.
Anyways. That's enough for now. I'll probably come up with something later. I'm glad I got that out of my system.
Pingu The Pirate Loyal
- 15 years, 11 months, 10 days ago