Hello people. this is my first tale and i thought i would make it special.
im in web design right now bring ultra bored. aha who says ultra anymore.
anyways imma tell you bout my day yesterday.
well well well.
im was
DUMB! everything about it was
dumb.school was
dumb and tha power went out yesterday at school soo that was
dumb lol.
i have kinda a
dumb attitiude todayy. blahh.
and my love called me at like 8 something which wasnt bad cuz i LOVE♥ talking to him and just HIM in general lol.
BUT at like 9:30 he was like well babe imma get off the phone and watch these two movies. i was like uhh okayy? UGHHHH! we always talk till like 3 or 4 in the AM and last night he wants to get off at FRIGGEN 9:30 i was MIGHTY pissed off lol. but yea he was chillen with his family which wasnt a bad thing.
but yeaa thats about it. uhh no actually it wasnt i didnt go to bed till like 4 in tha morning i hate my sleeping habits. lol. but yeaa i think thats it noww. hmmm lemme thinkkk....
[literally thinking].....
yea thats it.
oh and i got a buncha compliments today bout how i look today. i guess i look cute lol. i try (:
well i love you HP people.
have good days i hope i made you smile.
Rachel ann "~Crazy Gidget~" Trusting
- 15 years, 11 months, 25 days ago