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Kev Barber | - Free online hangout and friends
Kev Barber
Kev Barber owns this human at 5000 points.

Kev Barber
Kev Barber
"Loyal Eagle"

Kev Barber, 41/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:56 PM
Join date:16 years, 2 months ago
Location: Burbank United States

"The future is closer then you think"
About me:
I am a Eagle Scout and in the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts so I have done a lot of things and had fun doing most of them. One of the things that I like to do the most in Boy Scouts or out of Boy Scouts is to go camping. It is always best if you can get away from the city for at least one week a year so you will know what the earth is realy like. Find the beauty in life it is there all around us we walk by it and dont even know it some times but it is there and so i like to find it and take pitures of what the world has to offer all of use. Take a look at the beauty and wonder that i have found at my site:
About you:
Im interseting in meeting a lot of different types of people. People that like to be in the great outdoors, people that like anime and manga, people that are into comics, people that are into TCG, people that like Sci-Fi and fantasy, people from all around the world. Lets see if we can be friends.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Kev Barber
Kev Barber
"Loyal Eagle"
5000 pts

60 pts

"Too Cute!"
50 pts

Karen B
Welcome to HP!!! *smiles* have a great one!
You have been given ~♥ Wish Rose ♥~.
Crafted by Trenine
Karen B Smilin' Inside - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Angel With Many Sorrows
welcome to HP
God bless you
You have been given Someone to Talk To.
Crafted by Chris
Angel With Many Sorrows "In my Heart" MY FRIENDS ARE ANGELS - 16 years, 2 months ago
Kev's shop
KB pet

A place you can get things for your pets and treat them to something specail.

Trip to the river
1 use

600 pts
Trip to the river
Bought by 2 people
Trip to a frozen water fall
1 use

800 pts
Trip to a frozen water fall
Bought by 3 people
Trip on a train
1 use

400 pts
Trip on a train
Bought by 0 people
A trip to the Ventura Pair
1 use

200 pts
A trip to the Ventura Pair
Bought by 0 people
Locking Collar/Magnetic Key Ring
1 use

1000 pts
Locking Collar/Magnetic Key Ring
Bought by 1 people

Most recent customers:
Smilin' Inside
Karen B
Karen B
50 pts
Kev Barber
Kev Barber
"Loyal Eagle"
5000 pts
"Missed n loved"
50 pts
Chris Osborne
Chris Osborne
"my funky Owner"
308000 pts
"Simply Gorgeous "
31981 pts
Memecoins for People
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