Riann's tales
do you ever get that feeling like you're just too damn used up and hollow....that life has thrown you too many curve balls and now you're just done????? i have that feeling right now...and then i'm thinking: what makes you get up and keep moving????? what will make me wake up tomorrow morning, ready to do it all again???? IDK...maybe the thought that tomorrow will be better....but then tomorrow never comes does it......
Riann "Gone" Loyal
- 14 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
i think that life is gods idea of humour.............
Riann "Gone" Loyal
- 14 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
watching me.....looking within me you are beautiful and deadly plagued by that which you cant control do not diminish my heart tomorrow is another night another night my dark heart salvation even for you is not a dream..... somebody told me today that there is no salvation for her....i don't believe that. i believe that each being deserves salvation and that they will get it....
Riann "Gone" Loyal
- 15 years, 5 days ago
In this lifetime we connect with so few beings, most of us humans go through life without really touching each other. Have u ever thought what a simple smile can achieve? For some it can be the difference between living and dying. If we all could just love a little more we could truly heal the world.
Riann "Gone" Loyal
- 15 years, 6 days ago
My heart aches at the cruelty of this world. We live in an age of such sorrow and pain. My only wish is that the healing energy within good hearts can soothe the wounds that have been inflicted upon this world and all its beings.
Riann "Gone" Loyal
- 15 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
The Blood Shed
all things i find cool, amazing and fun....anything that "tickles my fancy"
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