Musings of the ruserdan:
- How can you amuse yourself if you know the punchline?
- Why do I always have additional charges on my emotional baggage?
- If your standing on your head, which way is up?
- Isn't everything better than nothing?
- When I'm gone, plant a fruit tree over my ashes - then everyone can eat me.
-If you go in through the out door, are you going the wrong way?
- Is 6 feet really that deep? - Creed.
- How many first times does it take to get it right?
- If you're so wonderful, why am I so full of wondering?
- How can I be asking for it if I haven't said a word?
- Why do I feel like I'm trespassing in my own head?
- Why should I pay attention if I don't know where the money goes?
- If there are voices in my head and I don't know who I am, am I talking to strangers?
russell sheridan "~Gentle Soul~" Hopeless
- 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago