Your Body
Your body is beautiful like the earth.
Filled with majestic hills and regal valleys,
It is soft and sweet yet strong and rigid.
It has a story to tell,
A story of torment and agony,
Of pleasure and serenity.
A melodrama of dramatic proportions
Is contained within the confines of your skin.
Your body is an alter
That I worship at diligently.
Like those of ancient times
I bow to its magnificence,
And surrender myself to it completely.
Yet it is this same body that plagues you so,
That like an unwanted shadow
Follows you everywhere you go,
And continues to weigh you down.
Pulled deeper by the undertow,
You slowly drown before me.
Taryn Lynn "Tigger" Intrigued
- 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago