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Brad Mitchell
Brad Mitchell owns this human at 62970 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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aoz's tales
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Las noches me matan, siempre ha sido así. Aunque por un tiempo lo olvidé.
Pensé que el asunto de no sentir pena iba a ser para siempre, pero luego apareció de nuevo y supe que no, que la pena es real y ese tiempo sin sentir nada fue sólo una etapa, que quizás nunca vuelva.
Me gustaría que no fuera así, y que si sigue así, pudiera olvidar los malos momentos. A veces estuve tan sola, que me cuesta olvidarlo, y me dá pena que haya sido así, pues yo puse todo de mi parte y ya no sé si eso está bien, no sé si está bien desgastarse tanto y volverse vulnerable. Ese es mi gran problema me he vuelto vulnerable y dependo emocionalmente de cosas muy pequeñas, pequeños gestos o miradas y me asusta mucho, pq hubo momentos en los que no te conocía, momentos en los que más que querida me sentí despreciada y profundamente sola.
Y no lo puedo olvidar, y lloro, y no sé si cambiará.
Y eso me pasa por las noches.
aoz Naughty - 15 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
It is lovely how everybody can be so different. But, it is important to know that in that way everybody is different, you can be hurt in different ways.
You never stop knowing different types of people, and that is why we never stop suffering, because i f you learn from damage, then will come another one, one you never met before and that you werent expecting, so it will be new and will hurt.
And that is why we are not free.
Even if we believe that everything is only part of perception or not real.
aoz Naughty - 15 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
What is a petal doing on my bed?!
aoz Naughty - 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
I´m so happy because the summer is arriving, this means vacations!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeejeeeee!!!
Soon i will go to the beach with my family
aoz Naughty - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Thank you!!! i know now how to buy items and post them.
Kisses xD
aoz Naughty - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
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Brad Mitchell
I like ur pic :)
Hey Sexy! You have been given Hey Sexy!.
Crafted by Mystic
Brad Mitchell "Adventurer " Adored - 15 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
que tengas una ricas vacaciones :) mucho gusto en conocerte !
.. new day, new ilusions.. You have been given .. new day, new ilusions...
Crafted by noel
gone "Beautiful One" - 15 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Elissa Amy Siddons
Have A Magical Day! You have been given Have A Magical Day!.
Crafted by Nikita Hengbok
Elissa Amy Siddons "♡ Lucia ♡" Curious - 15 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Boomerang Baba

Just Something To Amuse You You have been given Just Something To Amuse You.
Crafted by Dr Isley
Boomerang Baba "एक चुन" Adventurous - 15 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Brad Mitchell
word up.
Tickets for Nine Inch Nails X 2 You have been given Tickets for Nine Inch Nails X 2.
Crafted by Nada
Brad Mitchell "Adventurer " Adored - 15 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
John McKeown

very kissable You have been given very kissable.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
John McKeown "My leprechaun" Frisky - 15 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
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aoz's shop

A Map
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A Map
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