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Dane | - Free online hangout and friends
Gwen Horton
Gwen Horton owns this human at 41546 points.



Dane , 38/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:29 AM
Join date:16 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
Location: Hungary Hungary

About me:
I seriously don't know what should I write... My name is Daniel, but I don't like it, so I use my nick, Danee But you can call me whatever you want, danne, danny, fuckface, I don't care, really. :] I'm single, so girls...! ;D Before you ask, I won't tell you my age... I live in Hungary, I hate it here... D; I wish I live in California for a few reasons... Oh yeh fxck I wanna go there so bad. xD So if you live there, and have a small room for me, then tell me, don't worry, I don't eat too much. LMFAO Theres everything... There are pretty girls, prettier girls, bitches *cough* I meant beaches, etc... You know what I mean. (= But yeh, I'm not kidding, I'll move there when I get the chance to do.
About you:
- I love sleeping, I hate mornings .__. - I hate wind, it totally fucks my hair - I love snow and play in it like a 6 years old - I use "xD"s too much - I think guys are nicer than girls - I fall in love wayy too easily - I can forgive...once...maybe - I have headache like every 2nd day, its no fun - I love Silverstein, they are just too kewl - I always tell you the probably don't like it - I listen to music like a retard, I mean I listen to the song that I love over and over till I get sick of it - Sometimes I feel so drunk when I smoke, and have no idea why oO' - My mom thinks I'm gay ._____.' - BUT I'M NOT!!! xD - I'm the most pickiest eater who you've ever met - I'm so lazy, so I just stop writing this
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Dane's tales
able to be loved from girls only xD damn :p hot chicks in here xD xD xD
Dane "Danny" Sexy - 16 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
hello hope u'll like my profile xD
Dane "Danny" Sexy - 16 years, 2 months, 20 days ago

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Briana Siegrist
Aubrieee!! <33
yeah i agree with that :P
Briana Siegrist i'm still fly ;) - 16 years, 4 days ago
Miss Aubrie
i love your eyes.. just thought i'd let you know :P
Miss Aubrie "הרצוי" Adored - 16 years, 19 days ago
Liza Awesomeness

Hungarian goulash with paprika You have been given Hungarian goulash with paprika.
Crafted by Unknown
Liza Awesomeness "Groot" Neglected - 16 years, 20 days ago
Evon Yves
Hello there, how are you?
Nice page, I like it. Have a great night!~
You have been given Random Thoughts of the Day.
Crafted by Lady Chandra
Evon Yves Sleepy - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Gwen Horton

You have been given Rawr. Fear me.
Crafted by Unknown
Gwen Horton "abda" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Briana Siegrist
aww ur welcome Dane <333
Briana Siegrist i'm still fly ;) - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
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