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Maria Newman | - Free online hangout and friends
Maria Newman
Maria Newman owns this human at 50 points.

Maria Newman
Maria Newman
"Stupid Lamb"

Maria Newman, 38/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:30 AM
Join date:16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Location: Petal, MS United States

"Sick Masochistic Lion"
About me:
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): M E N E E D P O I N T S
Maria Newman
Maria Newman
"Stupid Lamb"
50 pts
Maria's tales
Maria Newman
Things I am giving up for Lent:
1. Dairy
2. Alcohol
3. Cigarettes
4. Internet

Dairy: (Reinforcing my commintment to veganism.) To feel/be healthier & lose weight.
Alcohol: Health & it just does not seem right to drink during Lent.
Cigarettes: The obvious. I hope to not go back to them ever again. This is just a reason to start.
Internet: Better grades, more of a life, more free time, more books read, etc.
ALL: To exercise self-control.

More on the internet:
I realize that in this day and age it is impossible to completely give up the internet, but I am giving up as much as I can. I will need to use the internet for school & I will still be checking e-mail. I will Facebook from time to time and use it just for work/photography/school related communications. So, if you want to speak with me about a photo shoot, you are welcome to leave a comment on Facebook still. I will, however, be giving up blogging & commenting on random pictures/profiles constantly. I am even giving up on updating my Facebook status! Gasp!

I will probably keep updating my Twitter cause I can do it through text message. I may also update my Flickr if I feel the need to do so.

That is about that.

x-posted to: Facebook, Livejournal, Myspace, Human Pets, & Tumblr


Maria Newman
Maria Newman "Stupid Lamb" Delicious - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
Maria Newman
It is Saturday. A) It is the weekend. B) School is out. So, why am I feeling so damn nervous and stressed? I guess it is just left over from finals week. I just don't know how to relax. Once the big stuff is over I find myself worrying about the little things. I definitely need to just take a chill pill. I wasn't even that stressed out last week? What is this? It is like I am more stressed out now that I have NOTHING to do. Oh my my. Would you like to see an awful video of me speaking French horribly? Yes? Ok. Well... here goes nothing....

See... I actually can understand French quite well and I can think in French quite well, but my pronunciation is the worst thing in the entire world. I realize that half the time I pronounce letters that should be silent. Gah! Just cause I lived in France... does NOT mean I can speak it well.

Well, I just made a complete ass of myself. (That was for a school project, by the way.)

Maria Newman "Stupid Lamb" Delicious - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Maria Newman
I feel very at peace with myself for the first time since I can remember. Maybe since I was a child. I have plans, but I realize that they can change, and I won't get my heart broken if they do. I want to lose weight and look better, but I am fine as I am right now. I'm not letting the little things weigh me down and it feels amazing. It is finals week and I just haven't felt the stress I have felt all the other years. It is as if this is the first year I actually realize that a test grade does not determine the outcome of the rest of my life. None of the little things really do. You just have to keep moving with a positive attitude and what is yours will come to you. I promise.
Maria Newman "Stupid Lamb" Delicious - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Maria Newman
I am in love. With 2 people. Neither of which I am sleeping with. Want to know what? This is the best relationship of my life. I am beginning to think that friendship can be more important and special than romantic relationships at times. I was always that girl that "fell in love" to feel whole. I feel pretty damn complete right now. Maybe this is what growing up is like. I still want to believe in everlasting love, but I don't think I need to open that chapter of my life right now. I also think that since friendship is obviously so important, perhaps 2 people should be friends first and lovers later. I've jumped into my past five or six relationships without really knowing the person more than a week. I just don't want to repeat past mistakes. I want a fresh start. Everything feels fresh. Fresh faces. Fresh everything.

Ending my engagement six months ago was the greatest thing I have ever done for myself.

I look forward to a winter break filled with new friends, lots of sleep, sleepovers, walks through the woods, Twilight over and over again, taking as many pictures as humanly possible, and then getting my tonsils out.
Maria Newman
Maria Newman "Stupid Lamb" Delicious - 16 years, 4 months ago

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Bitch needs to get a christmas tree so i can give you prezzies tooooo
⊱teasing my pet⊰ You have been given ⊱teasing my pet⊰.
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Maria's shop
The Good Stuff

Twilight - Lion & Lamb
1 use

300 pts
Twilight - Lion &amp; Lamb
Bought by 9 people
Twilight - Rob/Edward Cigarette
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300 pts
Twilight - Rob/Edward Cigarette
Bought by 5 people
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Love You
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Love You
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Bought by 3 people
Edward Behind You
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Edward Behind You
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Twilight - Dream About You
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Twilight - Dream About You
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