About me:
My name is Carly Stafford. There's not much to tell you. Up until a couple of months ago I was a home health care aid. Now instead of looking after old people I look after little people. I tend to get depressed when I do the same thing for too long so my occupation is always subject to change. I live in the country with my father, in an old farm house that belonged to my grandparents. I've probably got more pets than I need. I tend to aquire and redistribute them to new homes. I'm kind of the local rescue center. Currently I've got three cats in the house, two cats outside, and a pair of full blooded Timber Wolves. These are the ones I'll keep. They won't be going anywhere. I joke that I may end up with an elephant next, and Dad says he'd love to dig a pond at the back of the property if he didn't think he'd come home to find sharks or giant alligators in it, but its probably going to be a fox or a baby raccoon. I'm not exactly what you would call mentally stable. I opened a Dove chocolate once and the wrapper said, "Be mischevious. It feels good." My friend took it away from me in alarm with a horrified expression plastered to his face. Apparently I'm dangerous when I'm mischevious. I'm also a damn good listener and I give pretty decent advice. I'm horrible at taking it. For the most part, I'm quite boring. Most people meet me on a bad day, but if you haven't lost interest after your first impression, you may find out that I'm a completely different person than you thought I was. Emphasis on "may". I play with wild animals, I'm moderately tattooed, I get my ink for free, I grew up on motorcycles, in tattoo parlors and biker bars, I can throw one hell of a destructive bitch fit, and sometimes I drive with my eyes closed. Nurturing and healing are things that I'm big on and there are few things that I fear. I like to bake, I like to read, and I like to write. And beyond that, everything else is between myself and less than half a dozen of my closest friends. And probably wouldn't interest you anyway. But thanks for reading if you made it this far. Take care.