Holons go beyond the quantum measurements of quarks, antiquarks, up quarks, down quarks, etc etc. As humanity we function as humanity, but we are made up of so many different cultures, races, clans, individuals, body parts, organs, cells, protons and neutrons, quarks and ideas, that can we ever really call ourselves ‘whole’? We have the appearance of ‘whole’ but we are probably more like ‘hole’, ever trying to fill our ‘gaps’ with ever more stuff, more babies, more lovers, more money, more misery, more pills, more experience, and me: more information which I will probably never do more with than construct a useless, invisible spider-web of related constructs and ideas. The fabric of this cosmos appears invitingly simple when you break it down, when you look at it through the eyes of a quantum rookie. If you just get that, that one little leap of understanding. The world is not separate, it only appears that way. We are all the same, we are all one.
Rob Illegitimis nil carborundum
- 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago