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Fran Mcculloch | - Free online hangout and friends
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Fran Mcculloch

Fran Mcculloch, 62/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:10 PM
Join date:16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Location: Essex United Kingdom

"Here to make friends "
About me:
I am a divorced mother to 3 grown up lovely children and Nan to 3 beautiful Grandkids....
About you:
I am here to make friends not Enemies: as there is to much war already going on in the world…..So why some people have to create a scene I have no idea.. jealousy is not a nice thing to carry around with you it kills good relationships ..friendships.. Even other people’s life’s it is a bitter thing to have… I should know I was wants that jealous person…. So if you want to be my friend that is good by me J ….
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ~ Snow Whites Herd ~, .., ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥, Tasha's 15/10 fast points

"big daddy "
50 pts
Fran's tales
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Fran Mcculloch
Deep Inside

I can't believe my life,
And what it has done to me,
It's as if the devil is pulling me down,
I'm grabbing hold,
My heart can't take this pain,
And one day i will let go,
I will let go,
And leave this life,
Move on to a better place,
I fell like i will never be free,
As the devil pulls at my heart,
I cry my endless tears,
Hoping to never wake

By My Daughter Linz

Fran Mcculloch "sweetpea" Tired - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Fran Mcculloch
Only in dreams
by Sean bex

My darling, I know not where I went wrong
All I now see is where I truly belong.
You left me and didn't seem to care.
Leaving me trapped in my worst nightmare.

My love, I will never really feel the same,
I cannot even bear to hear your name.
You broke me and left me in this dark place
Dreaming, of once more seeing your perfect face.

Nathalie, you're the woman of my dreams.
There you will always remain, so it seems.
For my love for you can never die,
My heart will never truly say goodbye.

That heart which is broken and will never learn,
That tomorrow, sadly, won't be the day of your return.
Though I find myself wishing to, once more,
Kiss the sweet lips that I so adore.

Love of my life, my dream come true
I will never really get over you.

Ps: I wish you really did, love me more.

Fran Mcculloch "sweetpea" Tired - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Fran Mcculloch
Dreams of Paradise

you came into my life
when darkness reigned supreme,
expectations I had none,
life was one big chore;

and in one moment,
you came in and sparked
a desire to live life
and banished the darkness forever;

as I sit here watching the night sky,
I think of the days when
darkness was the only thing
that was visible to me;

as I sit here watching
the twinkle of the stars,
in the cool night breeze,
the beautiful white moon
flames the desire once again;

a feeling so strong, yet said too much.
a feeling that’s felt, yet unable to touch.
breaking my strength down
and screaming with no trace of sound;

as the rush of madness
sweeps all around us,
there’s a difference
when I walk down the street;

as I close my eyes today,
slowly drifting into sleep
dreams of romantic paradise creep
in when the shadow of love consumes;

Fran Mcculloch "sweetpea" Tired - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Fran Mcculloch
Depths Of Your Dreams (Villanelle)
by Kaity

In your memories you will find me.
Haunting everything that you do.
Following in the depths of your dreams.

You will see me in the crowd.
But, in an instant, I am gone.
In your memories you will find me.

The clothes lying on your floor.
Similar to the ones we took off together.
Following in the depths of your dreams.

Your thoughts will randomly fall to me.
And my face appears in sight.
In your memories you will find me.

Our promises of forever, of our love.
Repeating over in your head.
Following in the depths of your dreams.

No longer able to grasp the reality.
I will slip away, further and further away.
In your memories you will find me.
Following in the depths of your dreams.

Fran Mcculloch "sweetpea" Tired - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Fran Mcculloch
Long Denied
by Crystal Rose

This morning I woke and to my surprise
No more teardrops filled my eyes
For the first time since that horrid spring
I heard the birds sweetly sing

I noticed flowers in my front yard
Smelled their fragrance with regard
In the mirror a smiling face
A soulful look has been replaced

What is the feeling I have inside?
Happiness long denied.
I was once a loving bride
Filled with joy filled with pride

Ripped from my arms way to soon
Lost to me and his platoon
In a dream his came to me
I release you now and set you free

Therefore, I let go but will not forget
Sadness is no longer a looming threat
His love I will carry for eternity
He gave back my life so I can be me

Fran Mcculloch "sweetpea" Tired - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
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Hi Thumbed ya tales. Had a nose at ya pics Love the superstars lol. x
Dez "SWEET DEZ." Playful - 15 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

A Top Totty Award You have been given A Top Totty Award.
Crafted by Ghostdancer
Ghostdancer "·.¸ .·´`♥ " Loving - 15 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
Leonard "TOMCAT" Adventurous - 15 years, 9 months, 25 days ago

You have been given For you ♥.
Crafted by M ilja
Unknown "AL lying her web" WILDLY LOVING ALL! - 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
hi sexy
Unknown "AL lying her web" WILDLY LOVING ALL! - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Unknown "AL lying her web" WILDLY LOVING ALL! - 16 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
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Fran's shop
Fran's Shop

Thanks for stopping by and shopping if i dont get to stop by to say thanks a big thank you to you all

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your so cute
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your so cute
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you little devil
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happy to see you
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blowing kisses to your page
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so sad and lonely with out you
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oh lets play
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im sorry
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i love my pet
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good morning babe
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come and get it
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