Gone on a blind date: no
Skipped school: no
Watched someone die: no
Been to Canada: no
Been to Mexico: yes
Been to Florida: yes
Been to the Caribbean: yes
Been overseas: yes
Been on a plane: yeah....I can even fly small ones
Jumped out of a plane: yes
Been on a helicopter: yes
Been on a train: yes
Been lost: many many times
Been on the opposite side of the country: yes...although the UK ain't that big
Gone to Washington D.C.: no
Swam in the ocean - yeah
Cried yourself to sleep: yeah
Played cops and robbers: yesl
Recently colored with crayons: yes
Sang Karaoke: all the time
Paid for a meal with coins only: does a kebab count as a meal??
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: Yes
Made prank phone calls: No
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: no
Caught a snowflake on your tongue: yes
Danced in the rain: yes
Written a letter to Santa Clause: Not yet this year
Been kissed under the mistletoe: yes
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about or love: yes
Blown bubbles: yes
Gone ice-skating: yes
Gone snow or water Skiing: snowboarding count??
Gone to the movies: yes...Quantom of Solisce....or whatever iys called.
1. Any nickname? Robbie
2. Mother's name? Madeline
3. Favorite drink? Pineapple Juice
4. Tattoo? not yet
5. Body Piercing's? 3 (ears and belly button)
6. How much do you love your job? student and so far it rocks
7. Favorite vacation? New Zealand
8. Favorite TV Program? QI & Mock The Week
9. Ever been to Africa ? Yes
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? once or twice
11. Ever been on TV? yeah was in a Ministry of Sound TV advert
12 . Ever steal any traffic sign? do cones count
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 2 door battered clio
15. Favorite salad dressing? caesar
16. Favorite pie? Apple & Blackberry
17. Favorite number? 1
18. All Time Favorite Movie? Dog Day Afternoon
19. Favorite holiday? Christmas
20.Favorite dessert? Chocolate Fudge Cake
21. Favorite food? Roast Beef, mashed & roast potatoes, three types of Veg, Yorkshire Puddings and proper gravey!!!
22. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday = Sports Day
23. Favorite Brand of Body Wash ? Dove
24. Favorite brand of toothpaste? Arm and Hammer
25. Favorite smell? Roast Dinners
26. What do you do to relax? Run with my ipod playing loudly
27. Favorite Sport? Fencing
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Wing Commander in the RAF
30. Who will respond to this the fastest? no-one
Robyn Oppenworth "Vanilla Twilight" Perplexed
- 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago