Today i am just laying low.... letting the darts fly...trying to doge them.... i am gonna indulge in some writing.. been a few days...i need an escape from the pressures of this site. I feel responsible when i have done nothing. I feel the need to fix it, but cannot. I feel the urge to leave this site entirely, but i know i wont. So i am just gonna escape in my little written world and write a yummy story... then feed it to the person it is about.
Side Order Of Life "Cutest Laugh" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
Today was a good day... although the only thing that would have made it perfect would have been a email to me from a certain man i have been waiting a week for. With that said, it was nice to separate the kids.. i learned they are angels when not together, and the minute the reunite... playing tag-team with my sanity as little devils with broken angel wings. I had Joshua to myself today and it was very sweet, we played with cars, did school work, he is learning to wink, and winked at me al day.. the little flirt has caught on that the ladies, even dear mommy smile and swoons at a wink.. LOL.. we took a nap together and held hands while we slept. I adored today.. i have not had him to myself alone since Cassandra was born. Today was a wonderful day, one in which was much needed with all this crap happening on this stupid site. I fear i lost a friend here... in it's newborn state..he acts different. To be honest, i know he is very busy, and i dont need his attention daily, i guess i just worry that things here have changed to much.. he has not flirted with me in sooo long, and while i dont care that i am not flirted with, i do recognize that it halted. I really want that email, it hold information i am seeking..without it i feel clueless.
Side Order Of Life "Cutest Laugh" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
 Seriously? I lay low, and more drama-shit finds me! Unbelievable.
I am really very close to doing away with this site. If i cannot even be in damn hiding and be myself...Grrrr... I am a little ticked off tonight at the maturity level of some people on this site. I have only been on this site for 2 weeks. 2 dang weeks, that is it... and i love this site... but not if it comes with drama, and stalkers, trouble makers... i just dont have time for that stuff. I have my own stress in my life, and i left my High School years , years ago, i did my duty of teen years of being stupid, acting stupid.I am an adult now. What you say??? Ignore it? Oh, well didnt you know this is a profile i have in hiding is to lay low?? I hate that i am letting them get to me. So why do i put up with it? It's quite simple. A gut feeling. It doesn't steer me wrong.
So much for my efforts of trying to be the nice person, reserved....i will NOT act and behave like them. But gawd i want to....just for a minute i would love to give in and let them have it.. But i wont. It is not my place, nor my battle. I just have to lay low til the storm passes...
Side Order Of Life "Cutest Laugh" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
I think i want to be dominated. I want to get so wrapped up in someone where i feel so alive. Every breath, every movement my body makes is torture as the slightest of movements will cause me to flood the floor with a drink my body can make for you. I want you right now. You are the object of my fantasy tonight. At first i felt guilty as you were having a bad day... but now, late into the evening, i must go and relieve the pressure within me. Or i will combust. I hope you still crave me...i want you to crave me, to have me on your mind. I want our friendship, but right this second i want this more. Me on your mind. Driving you insane with lust because my desire for you is raw.. i am letting it loose, not holding back. Someone else would see my words as crazy.. a psycho... i sound mad with lust. But you know what it's about. It intrigues you, and it is foreign to you. You dont know what to do with me, but you wont let me go. I am your little toy some days, and your friend another. Right now, as i log off for bed. I am naming my orgasm after you.
Side Order Of Life "Cutest Laugh" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
Side Order Of Life "Cutest Laugh" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 18 days ago