I don't have a membership, so I can't set this as an action. For those who know our mommy (SCHARIE), please see my or Miranda's auction. THANK YOU!
CASSADIEDIE "My Hipady Hopper"Adventurous
- 16 years, 29 days ago
Hi everyone! I need points of destiny! I have less than 6000. I do lead a deprived life don't I? lol So won't you all bid & give to me, many a thumbs of destiny? :) I will enjoy. :) THANK YOU! CASSADIEDIE "My Hipady Hopper"Adventurous
- 16 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
"my sexy paul"Naughty
- 16 years, 6 days ago
HI!!!! i'm in shock LOL, that's the biggest number of donation's i've seen together LOL, I think u & ur family r so cool...u have no idea how restrictive latin american's family can get...but that's another story. I loved ur store it's super funny, bought some of ur items to pist people off ...hehe. i saw ur pictures and i liked every hair color u've worn, but specially blue, cuz not many people look good with blue hair. i laughed a lot with you profile description cuz it's funny and original... and i'm not sure if everybody reads it but they should, i do love pop corn though. ;) have a nice day!! and don't spnd all ur money on donations...u'll be bitching afterwards.