
"soul mate"
Raven's tales
The dead have gone and can not hurt you, or so they say. But what is that which looks down, up, sideways and from behind or just occasionally from within, when you are alone at night? You feel them, you know they are there, watching, waiting ready to slither, to seep, to crawl, to ooze, to penetrate your mind. They do not need to show themselves or betray their position they are everywhere, in your room, under your covers, in your bed awake or asleep they know you can not escape.
Look hard into the darkness, black as pitch or a shadow when you turn on the light. Now you know they are there and not just a suppressed memory of a childhood nightmare…… Look long, look hard and you will see countless millions staring back at you. They can not hide their eyes, they can not blink for their eyelids are decayed and gone or the putrefying flesh in cold death refuses to move. That is their curse, for eternity to stare unblinking, unwavering and behold the living. They will slowly become envious of your life, a snails pace for most but not always, for even the unborn baby can be snatched into their world, your world, their death they know your name…… They are waiting for you, to take you, to give you an eternity of watching, of torturing the living for that you have no more……… LIFE
Raven WolfsThorn "soul mate" Ferocious
- 16 years, 6 months, 3 days ago

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