Hah! Tis is a prank tat my frens n i played at tis girl... so we were havin computer class one day and tis girl tat we dun like sat opposite us. she isnt tat bad... jus really annoying and i am being 100% serious. No one in class objects.. Ok, back to the story. So as i was sayin, she sat oppposite us and the back of her comp (with all the plugs) was facing us. Haha... So my fren W scooted over to my seat n she made a hand signal 4 me 2 keep quiet. She then un-plugged the girl (i'll jus call her MF) MF's mouse. MF's started sayin: Why is tis comp so stupid. W quietly plugged it back n MF continued wat she was doin.
Then my other fren M un-plugged her internet cable. MF started rambling n we were laughin behind. I took the cable n plugged it back. MF was annoyed already. After a few times of un-plugging n plugging ( wif another girl J), she was really annoyed with the comp n said: ISH~! tis comp is so stupid! It's always lagging! Haha... N everytime we un-plugged her internet cable, My fren would go 2 an un-existence web to "play along" so that MF wouldnt noe... Wat made tis funnier was tat by the end of the class, evryone knew n were laughin their heads off, and MF didn't even KNEW that her comp "accident" wasn't an accident at all...
Kerker "LeeHom Freako!"
- 16 years, 5 months, 2 days ago