Who do you think you are to me?
to tell me it's my fault,
when where should the blame be?
I did everything I could,
to give you everything you needed,
it never was enough,
so on and on I'd bleed...
tears of disaster, fell like rain,
wiping all that was real in me
away and further you would creep...
My soul could take it no more,
I begged and pleaded for you to plainly see,
I needed much more then the pebbles you were offering,
so with someone else I decided to be.
All those years I hid in fear,
of what I'd do if I shed those tears,
Ignored and lonely I'd hide to cry,
while you decided my life was yours
for me to abide.
I'm tired of the pity games,
you throw out randomly
when you're professing such pain,
that I inflicted on you a year ago,
it's rather funny though,
after 11 years you'd made me suffer,
I didn't know what I did wrong,
placed blame on myself,
for you made me feel that way.
So tired of your selfish whines,
Go tell someone who cares about your lies.
No more can you control my fears,
I grew up, and over you,
and that's what bothers you,
my dear.
To my Ex... Whose STILL too hung over himself,
to see he'd ever done anything wrong.
10.19.2009 L.R.N.
Jae's Babydoll "JD's Wife" Adored
- 15 years, 4 months, 21 days ago