Free spirited, barefooted, quirky, passionate, arty, poetic, gutsy, contrary, not easy, generous, introverted, wide eyed,complex, dark, interesting (at least I think so)
About you:
How could I assume to talk about you, I hardly know you....I'm not looking for you but am sure it would be interesting to meet you, new to this sort of thing so be gentle and we will be fine. However do not assume I am here for cyber... don't make me go ninja on your arse!
Feed my fish... go on you know you really want to..... Morgan Fairbook"Miss Morgan"Bold
- 16 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Have been very involved with some fantastic eco awareness and fundraising activities this last couple of weeks, so not had much time to dwell in here, but people, please start looking after your beaches, any environment that you live in really, but also start doing your bit... plastic is a video nasty at its worse, plastic is causing real troubles to wildlife and water, if you must take plastic to the beach with you, take it back home with you too, it is your home, the world, and you have to live in it, would you litter your lounge with cola bottles and bags? if everyone started taking a little bit of the responsibility they owe to mohter nature, the world would change very rapidly!! Morgan Fairbook"Miss Morgan"Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
I have no pets...booo! thats what I get for not looking after them I guess, it is such a responsibility in here! Morgan Fairbook"Miss Morgan"Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 6 days ago
RIP Myrtle x Morgan Fairbook"Miss Morgan"Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
My rat died Morgan Fairbook"Miss Morgan"Bold
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago