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Taylor Starner | - Free online hangout and friends
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Taylor Starner
Taylor Starner

Taylor Starner, 31/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Join date:16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
Location: Thatcher United States

"All of your most terrifying nightmares brought to life..."
About me:
I am a crazy juggalette, who lives in a small town and loves to party! I love my friends and I love my family. I would do anything for them. I may be small but I am mighty. No one messes with me because they all know that if they mess with me, my family, or my friends... they are dead. The last person who messed with my family... lets just say he went from ganster to choir boy in less then 2.5 seconds. Same goes for my bf. If anyone messes with him... They will be begging for death... Other then that I am pretty laid back, I love my friends as if they were my own flesh and blood. If anything were to happen to any of them I would be completely heart-broken. In 2005 I lost the closest thing to a father that I have ever had, my grandfather died and it shattered my heart. it didnt break it, it shattered it. Although I do know that he is not suffering anymore... it still doesnt mend my heart. My friends are the reason that I am still sane. Without them I would just be another Phsychopathic Killer running loose in the streets. (My homies and I are the Phsychopathic Killers in our whole state shhhh dont tell, lol). My homie Andy and I were unstoppable, we were the best of friends... until SHE took him away from me. Now my heart aches for him to be a part of my life again, but I know that that could never be...*cries* I dont have that big of a heart anyways because it has been broken too many times. everytime someone breaks it they rip a chunk out with them. But with what little herat I have left I spread it evenly throughout my friends. I lov my man with all my herat and he loves me for every part of me, including my dark/evil/cold/demanding/angry personality. He is great in everything he does for me... I would never trade him for anyone/anything in the entire existance of life or death.... Am not sure what i want to do with my life. Yeah i am good with animals, and yea i can be the best dammned doctor that you could ever ask for... I am being summond so I bid you all farewell. But I do leave you with this...., If you have any questions about me, my homies, my life/lifestyle, or anything else, hit me up, I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. Always open to conversation(s). PEACE!!!
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight

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