SO I have just got back from a weekend of fun in Benecassim at the FIB! was cool....not sure how people survive camping I spent 3 hours in a tent and it nearly killed me! Racontours were awesome but for me Death Cab for Cutie stole the show...if you ahve not heard of them stop reading this and get on Itunes now!!! Probably in all honesty too many brits seemed a bit too brits abroad but there was a fair few beautiful people and well I am a little more brown although a little more self aware also...still need to keep hitting the gym hard...long way to go lol for now tada!
Roberto Otero Cheeky
- 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
wow...could this be the most perfect place on earth!!! Ok so its like 30 degrees but nice sea breeze clear blue skies the beauty of Gaudi architecture and the beutifuly bikini clad Spanish lovelies and then theres me...blessed...here paid for by a company who i enjoy working for to do a job i love....ahhhhhhh.....the only downside is i spent such a long time amazed at how lucky i was i forgot to apply sunscreen ooops a little red lol nothing too bad though :-)
Roberto Otero Cheeky
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Well day 4 in Barcelona and the weekend!! get in! its soooo sunny and beautfiful out side! I wil hitting the beach all weekend it seems the thing to do!! anyone reading this in barcelona and fancy partying!!!! come on! x
Roberto Otero Cheeky
- 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Well day 3 in barcelona and slow process i have now eaten all day ones food hmmm....the weekend is nearly here its sunny some sunbathing to come! if anyone is out this way let me know we can party!!! ;-) Also anyone off to benecasim I will be there too!! party party party!
Roberto Otero Cheeky
- 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
Well this is day 2 in barcelona where work have moved me...the appartment is lovely well what do you expect for Burberry hey!! lol anyway i will add tales to keep people interested and informed...or maybe just to give me something to do and keep me sane!
Roberto Otero Cheeky
- 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago