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Elsa | - Free online hangout and friends
Jacob M Slade
Jacob M Slade owns this human at 50 points.


"Miss Elsa ^-^"

Elsa , 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Location: Waukegan United States

"wild is only the beginning"
About me:
Elsa: Honduran, spicy, loving, passionate, alive, a [fomer] cutter, a lover, not very coordinated when it comes to catching things, i like shiny. Justin Timberlake fanatic. reggaetonera, dancer, artist, writer, i ♥ books, dirty and perverted. you like it. I'm not nice to stupid people...ever. I don't mess around. Once you talk shit, you're in it deep. I've got friends in high and low places and I never do my own dirty work. I give orders and they get done. I hate two faced people. Got something to say? Better be to my face and not my back. I do not tolerate that shit. AT ALL.
About you:
I'm a big White Sox fan and would kill to meet the guys. Especially my husband(s)...Joe Crede, A.J. Pierzynski!, Nick Swisher, and Carlos Quentin I'm up to meet anyone interesting, intelligent and educated. I'm sick of getting M3ssa63z Liik3 diizzz. Sorry, but I don't speak idiot, moron, or stupid. If you wanna be stupid, don't be stupid at me. I don't do ignorance, so if you're going to speak to me, please, for the love of god, be smart about it. You're speaking to a future teacher here. Message me at will, but if you ask me a question and I can easily tell you that the answer to your question is on my page, I can guarantee you a nasty response. I'm not nice to people who overlook the obvious. I'm sick of nasty guys coming up to me with some stupid pick up line like, did you fall from the sky? No, I didn't. I came from the depths of hell you asshole...leave me the fuck alone, I'm not going to be your angel. If you don't read my profile and don't know my name and insist on calling me "hot mama" or "sweetie" be forewarned, I'm not going to play nice. Only special people can call me "sweetie". As for being called "hot mama", I don't like it so don't fucking do it. Also, I generally do not deal with anyone affiliated with a gang-life. I don't like that bullshit. It's completely stupid. I don't take sides, I don't date anyone that runs that kind of life. Honestly, I like myself enough to not want to get shot at. If you're affiliated with a gang expect to be deleted or rejected.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight

80 pts

60 pts

50 pts
Elsa's tales
i am completely infatuated with these men.
and i've finally chosen which one i'll tame.
i'm a beast!

4 different men.
3 different personalities.
3 different ages.

all of them...
their names begin with the same letter.

what the fuck is up with that!?!?!?!

we shall differentiate by middle or last initial
depending on whether or not they coincide with each other.



fucking delicious.
for the age he’s at...
he looks damn good.
this man is over 45...
and married.
he makes for good eye candy.
and good lord he’s got skills with those hands.
all the stress and tension caught in my shoulders...
just melts away.

he’s closest to my age.
man just wants to get me in bed.
not feelin that so much.
he’s a bit of a challenge.
he’s not like D.
he won’t be wrapped around my finger.
he won’t bend to my will.
and i love that.
it makes things a lot more interesting.
too bad he’s not gonna work with me much.

and finally.

i like this one.
a lot.
even though he is a Cubs fan.
i’ll forgive that.
besides, it’ll make things fun i believe.
he’s a sweetheart.
i think maybe of all,
he’s my favorite.
some won’t be too pleased...
he’s 27.
i don’t give a fuck though.
just a damn number.
and we all know i’m not too good with those.
we’ll see.
we’ve bonded over our cigarette choices.
our love for baseball.
[even if i am a sox fan and he’s a cubs fan]
we talked about our phones...Samsung, lol.
we both drive Mercedes.
and i like that he’ll listen to me.
and that he’ll say no to me when i need that.

i know what i want.
i know i'll get it.
no matter what it takes.
risk it all
Elsa "Miss Elsa ^-^" Gloomy - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
i'm a bit more twisted and lacking morals than you all might think...
moving on. i found something i wrote a while back and decided to put it up here.

he makes her mind spin
looks into her eyes and she feels like she's off the ground.
goddamnit why.

soy la gata.
me llaman salvaje.


this was not part of the plan.

give this girl what you've got and she'll give it all.
give her exactly what she wants and she'll be pleased.
her pleasures are simple.
ice cream.
nothing too material.
she's always feared a material possession. she may get it taken away just like everything else she's ever had.
including you.

ella es el truco de tu mente.
she makes you crazy.
makes you want things you've never dreamt of.

she doesn't know what is up,
where is down?
who is down?
is she down?
lay her down.


again, she dreams of your hands all over.
spin her.
spin it.
make her shake.
make her vibrate.

damnit. again.
why is she so explict?
why does she want it so bad?

those eyes entice her.

she can't wait to be home alone.
to dream
to think
to fantasize.

fuckdamnit! again.

naughty pictures.
bad girl.
she did it again.

it's all your fault.
you did it.
you entice her.

she's hungry.
wants it.
craves it.

and yet again.

once you get with una de nosotras...
you crave it.
you want it as bad as she wants you.

me duele.

it's time for the goodnight juice.
that sleek friend of hers.
hot pink

but she wants yours.
your toy.
your friend.


she must rest.
give it a few days.
oh damn.
it's time to bust out the toys.
the fun times.

it's a good thing she's alone
Elsa "Miss Elsa ^-^" Gloomy - 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
drove to the mall today.
decided to take advantage of my mom not being here so i drove her car.
a nice big Chevy Tahoe.
mmm...i love it. I miss my truck.
[right now, i'm driving a classic Mercedes-Benz though i'd love an S-Class...^^ ]
man, did people STARE when i got out. hahahaha.
scary thought for ya.

5'7", 115 pound girl driving a big Chevy Tahoe.
wouldn't you be scared?
as if it wasn't enough, 7 kids got out with me. hahahahaha.

yeah, that's my rambling for the day.
Elsa "Miss Elsa ^-^" Gloomy - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #671) *cooked* You have been cooked
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Matt Buffington
why so gloomy?
Matt Buffington "Matt" Eh..Whatever . - 16 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
Au Naturelle
why do you have to pages miss elsa? ~finger tapping~ i would like an explanation.
Au Naturelle Content - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Matt Buffington
best of luck w ith the men.
You were taken on a trip! You have relaxed in Tahiti.
Matt Buffington "Matt" Eh..Whatever . - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Matt Buffington
very intriguing
Matt Buffington "Matt" Eh..Whatever . - 16 years, 8 months ago
Matt Buffington
Sounds like a fun trip
You have been given Someone to Save You.
Crafted by Matt Buffington
Matt Buffington "Matt" Eh..Whatever . - 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
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