i am completely infatuated with these men.
and i've finally chosen which one i'll tame.
i'm a beast!
4 different men.
3 different personalities.
3 different ages.
all of them...
their names begin with the same letter.
what the fuck is up with that!?!?!?!
we shall differentiate by middle or last initial
depending on whether or not they coincide with each other.
fucking delicious.
for the age he’s at...
he looks damn good.
this man is over 45...
and married.
he makes for good eye candy.
and good lord he’s got skills with those hands.
all the stress and tension caught in my shoulders...
just melts away.
he’s closest to my age.
man just wants to get me in bed.
not feelin that so much.
he’s a bit of a challenge.
he’s not like D.
he won’t be wrapped around my finger.
he won’t bend to my will.
and i love that.
it makes things a lot more interesting.
too bad he’s not gonna work with me much.
and finally.
i like this one.
a lot.
even though he is a Cubs fan.
i’ll forgive that.
besides, it’ll make things fun i believe.
he’s a sweetheart.
i think maybe of all,
he’s my favorite.
some won’t be too pleased...
he’s 27.
i don’t give a fuck though.
just a damn number.
and we all know i’m not too good with those.
we’ll see.
we’ve bonded over our cigarette choices.
our love for baseball.
[even if i am a sox fan and he’s a cubs fan]
we talked about our phones...Samsung, lol.
we both drive Mercedes.
and i like that he’ll listen to me.
and that he’ll say no to me when i need that.
i know what i want.
i know i'll get it.
no matter what it takes.
risk it all
Elsa "Miss Elsa ^-^" Gloomy
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago