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Miss Savage

Miss Savage, 38/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:19 AM
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
Location: Townsville Australia

"Hunt or be Hunted"
About me:
I like to think im a lil adventurous, a lil crazy, a lil eccentric.. Perhaps a lil dark, in a good way! I also like to think i have a good sense of humour, and have the qualities to make and keep friends. I live for my son, I live for my boyfriend, I live for my family and friends. I live for the land, the mountains, the flora & fauna, the soil, the ocean, rivers and skies. Without them my being would be pointless, meaningless perhaps even worthless. Be good to Mummii Nature and she will be good to you.

I am an adrenalin junky. I like boys toys, I like mud, I like rainforests, I like waterfalls, I like the stars, I like fire, I live for music *metal all the way* I like explosives, I like waterslides, I like high speeds, I like hiking, I like art, I like sculpture, I like my creature comforts, I like mythology, I like tattoo's and the pain that goes with it, I like strength and courage, I like dicipline, I like confidence, I like freedom, I like martial arts, I like the things I like because I like them alot.

You wont pin me down, I am free VERY free spirited, You wont weigh me down, I take in what I want when I want and when I need it. You wont catch me for I have wings. I have no tollerance for arrogance, you wont waste my time.

I am not looking for love, as I am surrounded by it, the love from my boyfriend, my son, my family, and the rainforests that I endulge in frequently are plentiful of it.

Treat others as you would have yourself treated.
About you:
One who uses his hands, is a labourer, One who uses his hands and mind, is a craftsman. He who uses his hands mind and heart is an artist.

Tell me you use your heart. And I'll use mine.
Greed:Very Low
Gluttony:Very Low
Sloth:Very Low
Envy:Very Low

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Orientation: Unspecified
Axle Gray
Axle Gray
50 pts
Miss's tales
Miss Savage
Hey guys, after an extended break from HP (approx 1.5 years) I've decided to come back to play! All the while I've been away I've been building empires, kicking ass and taking names! I'm now actually becoming well known in the highest regions of the artist communities! HAHA! KACHOW!

I'm now operating two businesses, one is a global home shopping business which I'm a small part of a bigger picture, and the other is my pet, Exceptional Art - As most of you have probably noticed I am an artist and have been for as long as I've been able to hold a pencil and now it is Officially official!! YEEWWW! Visit ;) I'm more than happy to take care of any artistic enquiries you may have!!!

Psp Tubes Emporium - for all your tubing/digital scrapbooking needs check me out here -->

Facebook, become a fan --->

My website --->

Love ya gutz


Thanks for staying true and loyal and I look forward to meeting you in the future!
Miss Savage
Miss Savage Playful - 14 years, 2 months ago
Miss Savage
Do not call me sexy, it is an opinion not a name, not MY name. If you want to Piss me the fuck off that is a good way to start.

I have a man in my life, One of which I'd give my very last breath for.. In knowing that I'd expect you'd appreciate the fact that I'm loyal and WILL NOT webcam fuck you, talk dirty with you, get naked for you, fill in the blank_________________ - The answer is FUCK OFF!

I am a bitch, and my Growl is NOT bigger than my bite, that I can guarantee you. If you can't think with the mind the universe so generously blessed you with, then I do not want to know about it.

End of Story,

Miss Savage Playful - 15 years, 5 months, 29 days ago
Miss Savage
Our overnight hike.

We only stayed for one night, from Saturday through till Sunday morning, because Geoff (my fiancée) had to leave again for townsville Sunday afternoon.

The trip was absolutely breath-taking, just glorious to say the least. We made our own track following the river to Peetes Falls (Gordonvale Cairns QLD) as we had lost the original track to wait-a-while! So we then decided to hop from rock to rock till we found the existing track again! Ironicly we didnt find the track till our venture back!!!

On our way up we come across a massive water dragon, and countless amounts of colourful native birds, butterflies.. And the nasty march flies! Suprisingly enough the mosquitos were spas. It was great. I was sure the humidity was off the beurometer, a figure about 110% perhaps!

I felt as though i was taking the form of the river, i was melting, beading sweat just running off me as though id just come from beneath the waterfalls! This was no deterant however, every aspect of hiking and being part of nature is my ultimate adventure. And Geoff, he is just so wonderful! Stopping me every so often, to rehydrate me, asking me to drink from his camelbak once mine was emptied! Such a sweetie!

Half way up the falls was a gorgeous little spot, Geoff and I were sooo hot from climbing we stopped for a swim break, a few munchies and a drop to drink. The water was prestine, like glass, mirroring what little tweaking light reflection there was through the dense canopy, and crystal clear, any slight movment on the bottom was not to go un-noticed! I doubt i could think of a single word to explane just how spectacular this rainforest was!

Throughout the whole hike we could hear the humming of the cicada's and the lulling tunes of the native birds.

As we near the first of the two largest falls, the flora begun to change, transforming into what was dark dense rainforest, to a much more grassy bushland, much more open space, and the pools of water were substancially larger than the rest, rock faces were climbing for stories and holding intense heat.

As we pushed on up toward the last fall, we had a cirtain sense of accomplishment, with a massive hug and kiss, and a quiet pat on the back. We then looked over our shoulders, and there stood Peetes falls, the most majestic prestiegious of falls on the hike. Glorious to say the least.

We ventured out to the waters edge and with no hesitation dropped our packs, stripped ourselves of our clothes and jumped right in and the falls welcomed us with refreshing cool water and a cool summer breeze! The sound of the falls was amazing. The sound we'd been waiting to hear, the deep rumbling sound we could hear from the beginning of our journey, was right before us. This was heaven on earth!

After our refreshing dip, we soon collected our gear and quickly set up camp. As Geoff is the soldier he taught me his way. And as I do with all new information, I put it to practise! And within the hour we had our cosy little camp set up for the night. So we set off to find ourselves some firewood and get some water on the boil to replenish our canteens.

We spent about 3 hours after that, trying to capture yabbies with a snare. Oh the tourment! It was the most tedious little exercise i think i have ever set out on! In those three hours, Geoff caught ONE yabby. JUST ONE! I caught nothing I gave up after about 2 hours, with a little less determination than Geoff, I cut it away slinging myself in my hammok for a while!

We greeted the evening with our glorious little fire, and sat back and relaxed for an hour or so soaking up the natures buzzing atmosphere! Toward 2100 we decided that we should get some dinner on the go. We endulged ourselves in Mi-Goreng noodles in our cupscanteen! Very satisfied we had to end the night with some roasted marshmellows and a goodnights kiss! All too soon it broke dawn, and at first light we were packed up and bid the rainforest goodbye and we were on our venture back home.

Miss Savage
Miss Savage Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
Miss Savage
Barbaric Babindian is the art demon @ ---->
Miss Savage Playful - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago

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Sergio The Saint
Looong time no see
But I will be...
Forever your loyal friend You have been given Forever your loyal friend.
Crafted by Miss Savage
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 13 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
Sergio The Saint
I brought this...
For A Beautiful Person .... You have been given For A Beautiful Person .....
Crafted by Wyn
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 13 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
Sergio The Saint
Am I dreaming?
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 13 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
Sergio The Saint
Thinking on my three wishes inside my head is...
a fire dancing show You have been given a fire dancing show.
Crafted by Miss Savage
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 13 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
Sergio The Saint
Back, Artist!
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 13 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
cheezy pickup line You have been given cheezy pickup line.
Crafted by Unknown
Jason "Aussie Boy" Toey - 13 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
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Miss's shop
Miss Savage's Show n Tell

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