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aaron aaron
aaron aaron owns this human at 210 points.


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Herds: Sex Kittens, ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, Nerds are Sexy, Intellectual Experimentalists, 300, [Un]Intended Sinners, 40+ and Fabulous, Smart Is The New Sexy
KAT's tales
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Stone Temple Pilots.......*big sigh*
I have the biggest crush on Scott Welland.
I know, I see bi-polar addict.
I see someone who is broken like most people....he just has a bad choice in bandages.

KAT HERINE "nfs" - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Written for me by a very intuitive and gifted writer.
This poem was created for my entertainment...but I hold it dear from someone who met me less than 24 hrs ago...
I am now convinced that there are some very wonderful and creative people here.
I am posting it as a tale for all to enjoy.
Thank you so much Rodney.

The Princess Wish

the princess Athenia prayed daily to Venus
bring to me a man to be my lover great godess
any man in this land can be mine at the command
but i want only the one who wants to be my man

not a man so weak afraid to not speak his mind at ease
nor one so strong in the head to seek to capture me
one who can hold me tightly in proper place
who will let me hold him in a loving embrace

the princess traveled the world and the seas in search
the mountains, the forests and the barren desert
no prince, noble or king could be what she desired
her heart grew weary, the search grew long and tired

as she travelled she stopped at a farm to rest her feet
she handed the reigns to a young man, care for my steed
take your own horse to water, i am not your stable hand
she turned and looked at this meager, coarse man

the princess stomped her feet and announced her rank
the young man smiled as she stomped and spake
how do such words come from lips as soft as those
lips so full and flushed red as the petals of a rose

she stepped back unsure just how to respond
these kind and gentle words from this vagabond
athenia left the horse with the man and rushed away
she could not help but think about him all the day

she wondered if this tramp could be a sign
sent from her godess that now is the time
strength set with care, softness with dare
could this be a trick from the godess, unfair

still she struggled his face to not see
it chased her awake, taunted her sleep
in time she forgot him and his face faded
after a week his memory all but jaded

next night at home there was a royal feast
fruits and salads, pies and roast beast
the guests arrived and she yawned at the routine
until a fair young prince, captured her gleam

who is this prince, i know him she thinks
somewhere on her travels across the brink
there eyes meet and he walks to her side
his chest pumped out in arrogant pride

m'lady, he asks, may i escort you on this grand night
perhaps take your steed on a late night country ride
she looks at him again and wonders, could this prince be
he smiles, i know which is yours, he was watered by me

scribed by RAC

KAT HERINE "nfs" - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago

KAT HERINE "nfs" - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
I'm Fu@&ing Matt Damon

KAT HERINE "nfs" - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
I'm Fu@%ing Ben Affleck

KAT HERINE "nfs" - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
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taotao Trusting - 14 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Beau Hitt

You have been given a vision of beauty..
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Beau Hitt Curious - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Beau Hitt

You have been given I Love My Pet.
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Beau Hitt Curious - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Ritch Gallaher
have a good one....
You have been given ♥ have an awesome day ♥ .
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Ritch Gallaher "My Dear Ritchie" Wild - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Unknown "Chris" - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Rob Belliss

You have been given Expresso with love.
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Rob Belliss "Horny Nutella" Naughty - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
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