For Jessica:
In the beginning there was
What He is or where He came from, we may never stumble upon.
We can know that it was He that fashioned our souls out of....
Flesh & Spirit.
The concept of Chaos can be best described as a reality where God is not – which is inconceivable, no doubt – but that is the only way to describe it.
The origins of God? He exists in and of Himself. Not created. Uncreated. Eternal.
If we say there is no “First Place”, then we assume that there was no time before time. Well, ironically, there was not “time” before time. In fact, there was a time when there was no ‘time’
And that is the place where God came from.
Chaos has no religion.
Neither does God.
Religion is the futile attempt of imperfect man to re-establish his link with his Creator, that he knows full well is compromised.
Faith isn’t logic, nor is it logical, neither was it ever meant to be. And Logic, isn’t faith.
Why would He first be only Chaos? – well, as indicated, this question begins at the assumption that “In the beginning there was chaos” – and one cannot justify faith with that!
So, using the terms logical and illogical – wouldn’t apply
And all we have is our diverse opinions and beliefs – as prescribed to us from the moment of our birth by those we had no power over, until we grew up and, the doctrines and systems had already implanted into us at a level so profound and deep that we can never utterly escape them.
And these things are presented as fact, but are they indeed?
So if the assumption is that Chaos created himself, Would he at the same time be universal consciousness? – But if God did eternally pre-exist, in and of Himself (Uncreated Eternal) – then He would be (and IS, in fact) universal consciousness, except in that he gifted to his creation individual consciousness.
Flesh + Spirit = Soul (He formed Man out of the dust of the earth [flesh], and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [spirit] and the man became a living soul [nephesh])
Soul = Individual consciousness, personality, feelings, ability to interact with others and have differing views/experiences of reality.
God is a person & entity, yet in infinite possibilities in all times,
The question that I have, though... is: does His personality develop? (being in and of himself – perfect / nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing that could need to adapt/evolve/improve or change)?
I guess the answer is ‘no’ – but he feels, the Bible says that he “Hates” & “Loves” so He is a Soul, a person, yet perfect, infallible – everything that we are not.
As for Evil/Satan, God makes it quite clear that HE CREATED IT (Isaiah 45:7)
To what purpose, though? And that is the Master Question – the answer to which would answer every other question we could ever possibly have...
God created:
Jesus said of Satan: “He was a murderer from the beginning...” (John 8:44)
Satan said to Eve: “God knows that if u eat this fruit you will become like God: Knowing Good & Evil” (Genesis 3:5)
God said of us (after we ate the fruit): “See now the Man has become like us: KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL (Genesis 3:22)
Could it be that this was the whole point & purpose of:
a. – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden
b. – the existence of the snake (Satan) also in the garden
For us to KNOW good and evil......!!??
Experience it – intimately? (as created in His image, we must understand these things if we are to ever know Him....)
Of course – this line of reasoning then completely destroys the idea that God & Satan are in competition with each other, since Satan is created by God to the purpose of revealing to us that which is Evil, that we may experience it intimately and thereby acquire the “Knowledge” of good and evil.
Original Sin, then....
Was there ever such a thing? What was it? Disobeying God.
But the act of disobedience toward God was already inside of Eve before she ever committed it – and since she was taken from Adam, it is not inconceivable to say that it was in him, too, long before the garden/tree/fruit/snake incident
It says:
She saw the tree that it was pleasing to the eyes, and good for food, and desirable to make one wise... (Gen 3:6)
(Ref: 1John 2:16) : The Lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, named: the things which are in the world.... Ie: these three things are the things that are in the world, and they were all 3 already inside eve BEFORE she ate the fruit, ergo – she was already in sin/imperfect/fallen, therefore there could not have been an ‘original’ sin, we were MADE this way at the beginning – to the point and purpose of experiencing and knowing good & evil)
These three things were inside of her already, and Adam was standing there with her at the time, he did nothing to discourage her, in fact, he shared the fruit with her.
They did not know what sin was until after they carried out the disobedience (which was in them already)and ate the fruit. Now – you might point out to me that I accused them of having the three things:
Lust of the Eyes
Lust of the Flesh
Pride of life
Inside them – and not disobedience, but note that these are the very things which produced the act of disobedience, as it would be these three things that will produce in any of our lives any thing that might be construed as ‘sin’.
So, according to my understanding and extrapolation of these two (God & Satan), there is no battle between them, God is UTTERLY holy and Satan is just a created being which carries out the purpose for which he was created, as does everything (and everyone) else in God’s creation.
(this, no doubt, brings up the issue of: ‘what is it that God is intends to accomplish?’ – and though it be a right good and valid question, it is for another discussion...)
And so, what is the purpose of life?
It is to “KNOW Good & Evil”
And that’s it.
But of course – even that is to a point and purpose...
Because it doesn’t end here – 80 years and then oblivion? – No, I don’t think so... there’s more after this, much more...
Falgn0n "Jedi Knight NFS" Adventurous
- 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago