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Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher
"West Coast Loot!"

Syndee Fisher, 46/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:03 PM
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Location: Barrie Canada

"Betcha I'm Better Than Yur Ex!"
About me:
I'm brutally honest, overly sarcastic and will stop at nothing to get what I want. I have very strong beliefs and opinions which seem to intimidate people more often than not. I can be manipulative and spiteful. I am opinionated and not afraid to speak my mind! I guess everyone just thinks I'm a bitch, Fuck it, why not play along? Look, I'm your average girl that's looking to meet some cool people that I don't have to fight elbow to elbow with! The bar scence just isn't what it used to be anymore.
About you:
"Too many people spend a lifetime in others business when they need to pay attention and take some time in their own!"
So, if you think you are up for a challenge then make sure you make it worth my while, otherwise I'm not interested! I'll be sure and savor the goodness of all the spoils thrown in my direction just don't expect me to take the bait too quickly! Trust with me is the most important, so I'll work on the loyalty and appreciation when the time is necessary!! Until then my lil pets-- show me some luv!
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
"My Tiger..."
9328 pts
Syndee's tales
Syndee Fisher
*Stand back I'm going to whine again. Ready? Ok, why am I technically challenged? Why can't I do anything technical or even remotely computer/DVD/TV/ related? It drives me mad. It's like that part of my brain (if it exists) where all that kind of stuff is stored is on a constant holiday. As soon as someone starts explaining something techy to me, I feel my brain cells lay down and have a sleep! It's infuriating. I just can't concentrate on anything that requires me to plug it in, turn it on, lets just say anything electrical or hell, even battery operated!!! I should not have been born in this century.

Give me a cave, some rocks to draw with and just leave me alone to drool, grunt and make pretty cave paintings! Argggghhhhhh!!!!!
Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher "West Coast Loot!" Adored - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Syndee Fisher
*I reckon I've put on about five kilo's in the past few months. I only "reckon" and don't know because I don't want to know for sure. Chances are I've put on more than that, and that will piss me off no end.

It's such a boring cliche to be female and to be obsessing over weight. I know I'm not fat but I hate that I've put on weight. I'm just not active enough anymore. This time last year I was doing 12 dance classes a week. I could eat anything knowing I'd burn it off no worries. Now my lifestyle has become very sedentary. I sit on my ass at one job, go to the other and sit for a few more hours. Weekends I don't do much at all. I sometimes go to a yoga class but haven't hit the gym in ages. My eating habits are appalling. Way too much chocolate, fatty foods and sugary drinks. It's a vicious cycle.

Part of me says, "so what if you've put on a couple of kilo's, big deal, get over it", and the other half of me says " your gonna be a fat slob the way your going, fat is ugly and bad and nobody likes a fatty". Arrrggghhhhh!!!

I hate questioning myself as to whether I really want that piece of cake or should I not have the salad instead of the fries. Who gives a shit, life is too bloody short! But shhhh, do you hear that? That's the little voice telling me I soon won't fit into my fave jeans and god forbid I go up a dress size! Am I sooo vain that I have to obsess over my looks and cry and whine about putting on a few kilo's. FFS there are bigger issues to worry about.

I think i just need to get fat, buy a cat and take up smoking. Perfect!
Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher "West Coast Loot!" Adored - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Syndee Fisher
*When I was a teen my brother was a bit of a junior manwhore and I took endless pleasure in cockblocking him at every turn.
One of my favourite things to do when he brought home yet another conquest, was to say things like, "Craig, she does NOT have a big arse", or when one of them phoned for him I'd yell out "Pindick!, which one did you say you weren't home for? Was it Michelle or Koula, 'cos Koula is on the phone".

Bitch I am! Muahahaha!

We had a cordless phone back in the day, I know,technomalogically advanced!, and there was a constant echo whenever you were on the phone. This benefited me in that I could pick up the other line and eavesdrop on every conversation without the other person knowing.
I loved to listen in when my brother was chatting to one of his girls, when ever there was a lull in conversation I would throw in random words like "Wanka" or "Slutguts". This was hilarious to me because it would start them arguing.
Girl- What did you call me?
Craig- nothing!

I'd do it again, this time saying something like "Scrotum breath" between stifled giggles.

Craig- What did you just say?
Girl- I thought that was you! Do you have a personality disorder of some sort?

Baaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha! Evilish
Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher "West Coast Loot!" Adored - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Syndee Fisher

On to other things, if you want to buy a bag that is perfectly waterproof from the inside (I don't know why you would, maybe you want to take your goldfish for a walk in it, or maybe if you plan on getting lost in the desert you could fill it up before hand) then go and purchase this cute little Chanel number. My bottled water spilled in that bag, all 500 mls of it, and not a single drop leaked out. Of course my Ipod is now ratshit along with everything else I had in the bag, but good to know it's leak proof! I was wondering what the slushing sound was as I strolled along. Little did I know I had a portable pool in my own handbag! Booo to that!

*I'm back living in a "roomie" situation. It's not permanent and I'm counting the days till I'm on my own again because more and more I'm discovering that I'm not exactly a "people person". Finding pubes in the bath and that my favourite perfume has been used as air freshener..........well it's enough to make the life of a Hermit look appealing!! Lets not even mention the sounds of the sexin' coming from the next room and that all my Vibrators buzz too loudly!! Booo to that as well!

*Finally, I know this post is pretty boring, but that's my life at the moment, the only exciting thing to happen to me lately is the fact that I'm no longer a dumb blonde.....I'm now a dumb blonde on HP! Huzzah!
Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher "West Coast Loot!" Adored - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Syndee Fisher
OK, I'm apparently supposed to post some tales! So, bear with me folks while I do my best to entertain you with all my goodies, gags and gropage!!!
Syndee Fisher
Syndee Fisher "West Coast Loot!" Adored - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago

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A challenge huh? I'd prefer a friend, someone to have fun
http://stasis.humanp...with. Not you?
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Joe Porga "Dark Angel" thumbing - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
Haven't visited your page in a while.....just thought I'd drop by and say hello. ;)
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Bruce "RazamaTaz" ~?~ - 16 years, 4 months, 17 days ago
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A Shoppin' Spree, Whee!
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