In case you haven't heard Australia has suffered its worst natural disaster ever!
On Black Saturday fires raced through the bushland surrounding Melbourne and throughout the state of Victoria.
The number of dead is staggering, but more so is the way they died. Choking on smoke as flames swept over them on the worst weather day in Melbourne's history.
On Saturday as we realised what had happened I found myself shivering despite the weather having been 46 celcius.
By the end of the night I was in tears.
My friend Dani has lost school friends. Her family miraculously survived in Kinglake where dozens of others died.
I am crying again now as I write this.
Brian Naylor who was a legend of Australian TV died with with wife, trying to protect their home. They had no hope.
Hell descended on those mountains on Saturday.
How you can help (Copied from Chris)
To donate to the Red Cross State Government Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund:
* Visit
* Phone 1800 811 700
* Any NAB, ANZ, Westpac or Commonwealth Bank branch
* Any Bunnings store
* By direct deposit to the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund - BSB 082-001, Account number 860-046-797
Myer Bushfire Appeal
* All proceeds to the Salvation Army. Donate at any Victorian Myer store
Fiona "Child" Frisky
- 16 years, 1 month, 20 days ago