I'm a dominant personality, so I like to be in charge. Stuffing me around really pisses me off.
I love my friends, my dog, movies, live bands at the pub, and strangely, I really love socks and jigsaws.
About you:
You'll be able to accept my eccentricities as well as my sassiness, and you'll love stockings and socks. If you don't, then you're not the one for me.
There is something I still don't get about Human Pets. People pet you and email you all the time, but they never post onto your page. Makes me wonder what they're hiding. Jodi Kingsley"Firefly "Sparkling
- 16 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Jodi Kingsley"Firefly "Sparkling
- 16 years, 9 months ago
I've learnt a lot from looking at other people's profiles and figured out that I need to join some herds. Anyone know of any good ones? Jodi Kingsley"Firefly "Sparkling
- 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
God you posted ten minutes ago and now you're gone?! Crapola. I'll text you when we're in Sydney, looking forward to Monday too. Matt won't let me move!!!! Not that he can stop me....
- 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
why would some idiot buy you then sell you back to the shop....*buys Jodi back* hmmpphhhh...
- 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago