
"Princess Hannie"
Hannah's tales
There's a woman who, for some reason, believes that she should own my boyfriend. Now most of you wonder why someone would stay on HP if they didn't want to be bought by someone else. The answer is I have many other friends here, and he and I met through HP in the first place. We still enjoy using it together, especially while he's at work. Its an adorable site. Anyway I asked her very politely a while ago to please not buy him, and didn't think it would be a big issue as she had quite a huge slew of other human pets anyway. Why would she want another one? It didn't seem to be a big issue. But she messaged me back and flamed me for even requesting it. Now, it wouldn't bother me half so much if it didn't upset Chris. He's kinda creeped out by her and just wants to be left alone. So as you can imagine I'm kinda annoyed and he is too. Why do women have to be so catty to each other? Why can't she just find someone else to buy? I mean, why do people have to go out of their way to piss someone off or cause drama?
Hannah Geib "Princess Hannie" Calm
- 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
I met someone really amazing on humanpets. I feel so lucky to know him...he's pretty much every guy I like rolled into one with a cherry on top. BE JEALOUS! I hope he knows how much I feel about him and how excited I am that he's in my life.
Hannah Geib "Princess Hannie" Calm
- 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
So my birthday was yesterday, and I'm officially 24. I don't really feel that old. Guess it hasn't set in yet, haha.
Hannah Geib "Princess Hannie" Calm
- 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
Most people don't realize that I recently cut all my hair off and donated it to locks of love. I had well over 15 inches of hair cut that had been growing for about 3 years. Now my hair is much more my style, but I haven't really updated anyone with photos...but lets just say its cute and I like it. I guess I just sort of get bothered by people who can't stand someone else with shorter hair styles. I don't think they realize how liberating and fun it is to do what YOU want with your hair and not what society or trends think you should do. I think every girl should do what they want with their hair at least once in their lifetimes.
Hannah Geib "Princess Hannie" Calm
- 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
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