Ask yourself:
*If you could go back in time and do certain things differently, would you knowing that the smallest change would change your life today?
*Would you lie for a friend to protect them if it meant an innocent person took the blame?
*What holds you back from telling people how you really feel about them when either one of you could be gone in the next moment?
*A friend calls you in tears, you've never heard this friend cry before but you have tickets to the concert of your dreams once in a lifetime, do you choose the concert which will be your dream come true or be there for a true friend that has nobody else?
*Did you ever think about how some of the most rich people who can afford to eat don't so they look thin, while others who are so great full for even 1 bowl of rice a week are dying from starvation?
*A house is on fire, your dream partner at one end, your best friend down the other end, you can only save one, who would you choose?
*You have $250 to go buy some designer label jeans, on your way to the shop you pass a shelter you see a battered women with 2 children, would you offer her even just $50 and opt for a cheaper pair of jeans, or do you decide shes at a shelter it's not my problem and go for the expensive jeans?
*Ask yourself what is this question you really want to ask yourself?
*and for once in your life ask "how well do I really know myself"? there is no right or wrong answers to any of these question just simply what you would do, actually thinking about some of these questions you may even surprise yourself.
JoJo "Smexxy Jo"
- 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago